Building a zipline

Vi bygger ziplinen du ønsker deg til ditt området for spennende aktiviteter.

Looking to build a zipline? Then we have everything you need! We can deliver ziplines that span from the 10 meter-long and 3% fall that are perfect for playgrounds, to the 700-meter-long wires with dual descents up to 30% and soaring speeds at 180 km/h. They are all built in accordance with national and international regulations and we offer ziplines for parks of all sizes. Our ziplines can be built using existing trees and mountains or by installing poles into the terrain.

Initial Inspection

During our initial inspection we’ll make a rough design and look at the potential and opportunities of your area. You’ll receive an initial design draft, a budget estimate and a detailed description of your order. This provides you with a clear and concise view of what establishing a park will mean both financially and practically. These documents can be of great help when applying for funding and can help you in attracting investors.

Constructing the Zipline

The zipline construction period is dependent on a variety of factors such as the terrain, environment and other concerns. Normally, constructing the zipline takes from 1 to 2 weeks. We will also test the zipline(s) and train the staff responsible for the line. The zipline needs government approval before it can open to the general public. As such, you should expect to wait 2 (two) months from your decision to build the zipline and to its first opening day. All H&L ziplines are built in accordance to national and international regulations.

Contact Us

Would you like to know more? Then contact us – we’re happy to answer all of your questions.

Contact us for a non-binding offer, service or other questions

Bilde av Hans Christian Wilsonr
Hans Christian Wilson

Founder / Project Manager
991 05 958